Tuesday, April 14, 2009

She sleeps!

Well, it's the end of another day. Everyone is tucked in so I'll use this time wisely. We're more than half-way through a heavy metal detox...just the best one i could guess at from Whole Foods. I'm hoping this will make way for some of the enzymes and supplements to work (that we'll be trying soon). There aren't any DAN protocol doc's here so I'm going to meet with the open-minded (thank you Jesus) pediatrician and a Naturopath pastor from our church. Maybe between them and the WWW I can get some help for Kenz without messing up her system even more! Kenzi is officially a woman! She just turned 12 and her womanhood arrived about 1 1/2 months ago. She is currently in the middle of her 3rd cycle since that time. I don't know if the detox thing is having an effect or if it's just part of the way her body is adjusting. All I know is that personal care was never something she could take responsibility for alone and now this. At least she's not freaked out and she handles it calmly. I will just be giving more frequent showers!
We have a book that discusses adolescence and physical changes for both males and females. I'm trying to keep the content level low but am feeling the need to go into greater detail...not sure how the processing will go...with brothers in the house I'm not quite sure how she'd handle herself. This makes me wonder about people who deal with these issues and don't have a relationship with a caring, loving God, as I do. How do they continue to have hope and energy and patience and all the things you need every second of the day? Believe me, even knowing that God has a beautiful, perfect plan for my Mackenzie, and that He is with us throughout each day, I still struggle with my expectations and emotions. It's a constant struggle to be the one pushing her always. As her only teacher (believe me, I'm willing to let go if I can find someone else!) I have to be vigilant about teaching opportunities and very sneaky and creative about how I impart knowledge and wisdom. She's too smart to do anything she doesn't want to do, and there's not a whole lot that she does want to do. I'll have to say tht her 4yo brother is a big help. Even though he knows how to read (fluently...because he's hard us review phonics soooo many times) he pretends to let Kenzi teach him how! Another provision from God (thank you, again)! Also, there's the every day around the house and family issues and the personal hygiene. So, pretty much I'm talking to her about some thing or another all the waking hours of the day. I think she's tuned me out by now!!!(I would) I'm exhausted. I think I'll read something renewing from my favorite Book and call it a night. Tomorrow I have to help clean her room...again. Peace

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